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national tour

Violet Territory Award 2019 in MADfair

"For its commitment to equity"

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Recommended from 12 years

History of functions

January 2020 /  Mallorca  December 2019 /  Tetouan (Madrid)

November 2019 /  Santurtzi | The Corner | Umbria Point
Aracena | Arahal | Alcalá de Henares | Fuentealbilla
Pozoblanco | asparagus


October 2019 /  La Palma | Coimbra | Pontevedra

Julio 2019 /  Chiclana ​   Junio 2019 /  Almansa

Mayo 2019 /  Oviedo   Abril 2019 /  Igualada | Torrelodones

March 2019 /  Zaragoza | Burrows | Higueruela
Ibanez Houses | Albacete | Tarazona de la Mancha 
Valladolid | Gijon | Aviles | Santander

February 2019 /  Elche | Pinto |  Leganés | Murcia
Alcobendas | Segovia | Victory | Vigo | Basin

January 2019 /  Pamplona | Logroño | Madrid | Lleida Hospitalet | Cornella | Viladecans | Granollers
Sant Cugat | Linares
Diciembre 2018 /  Bilbao | Soria  
Noviembre 2018 /  Madrid

October 2018 /  Velilla de San Antonio | Seville | Malaga
Vallecas | talk | Carballo | Seville

August 2018 / Manzanares |  Birmingham (United Kingdom)

July 2018 /  Cangas do Morrazo | Cordova

March 2018 /  El Escorial

Premiere JAN-FEB 2018 / Madrid. Count Duke Theater



Marta Buchaca writes for LaJoven PLAYOFF , a tragicomedy that reflects on the role of women and women's sports in a society that still manifests fierce machismo in many areas. In the locker room, the envy, dreams, doubts and fears of some girls will surface who all they want is to live off their passion.


Graduated in Humanities from the UAB. She trained as a playwright at the Center d'études théâtrales in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and at the Obrador de la Sala Beckett. She is the author of L'olor sota la pell (V Joaquín Bartrina Prize; Sala Beckett, 2007), Emergència (finalist for the III Romea Foundation Prize for theatrical texts), En preserve , Plastilina (XXXV Ciutat d'Alcoi Theater Prize, honorable mention of the Marqués de Bradomín Award 2007 and finalist in the MAX Awards 2010. Sala Beckett, 2009), Les nenes no haurien dejugar a futbol (Festival Grec and Versus Teatre, 2010; with productions in Croatia, Mexico, Cyprus and Greece), A mi no em diguis amor (TNC, 2010), L'any que ve serà millor , written with Carol López, Mercè Sarrias and Victoria Szpunberg (La Villarroel and Teatro Bellas Artes de Madrid, 2011 to 2012; winner of the MAX 2013 for the best author in Catalan), Litus (SALA Flyhard / Teatre Lliure. Nominated for the Butaca Awards as best small-format show. First post-performance prize for the best work of 2012)_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and Losers (La Villarroel, 2014).




Cristina Bertol, Neus Cortes, Ana Escriu, Yolanda Fernandez,

Maria Romero, Maria Valero and Cristina Varona


Text: Marta Buchaca

Address:  José Luis Arellano García
Direction on tour: Álvaro Lavín


Iluminación:  Juanjo Llorens (AAI)  / Escenografía y vestuario:  Silvia de Marta

Music and sound space:  Luis Delgado / Video scene: Álvaro Luna (AAI) y Elvira Ruiz Zurita

Choreographies:  Andoni Larrabeiti / Characterization: Sara Álvarez


Project address:  David R. Peralto  / Production address:  Olga Reguilón

Dirección técnica:  David Elcano  / Dirección de comunicación:  José Luis Collado

Production on tour: Nuria Chacón / Technical team: Iván Belizon and Raquel López
Audience management and development:  Pedro Sánchez, Rocío de Felipe and María Limón
Vocal training: Fernando Becerra  / 
Production assistant:  Víctor Hernández and Dani Villar

Community manager and press:  @SamuelGarAr
Scenography and costume assistantship: David García and Nayyara Altagracia

Realización escenografía:  Juan Carlos Rodríguez y MAY Servicios  / Sastrería:  Conchi Marro

Graphic design: Erre Gálvez  / Scene photography and poster: David Ruano


Also part of the cast:
Raquel Arroyo, Cris Gallego, Helena Lanza and Laura Montesinos

Con la colaboración de:         _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_       _cc 781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  


Acknowledgements: Patricia Chamorro, María Gómez-Calcerrada and LaJoven volunteers

image gallery

(click on each photo to enlarge - Photo: David Ruano)


(click on each photo to enlarge - Photo: @SamuelGarAr)

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